The Whirl
Oh the emotions, how
They whirl in, unbidden
From where do they flow?
Such desire to ridden
What’s come in as a blow
Or mask, keep hidden
What’s felt in skin, below
When the arrival of sadden
Delivers her cups of low
Or the seize of madden
Stomps in to make a show
Oh the emotions how
They whirl in, unbidden
Some shake us to Wow!
Some quake us to listen
Some press in to glow
Some push in to glisten
What brings on the flow?
Irish-“Ta Bron Orm”**, it happens
Sad is ON me now
On my stage is my rage
On my field roams my fear
On my belly hurls my worry
On my skin dances Joy within
Welcoming what heart knows
Being with the surge, unbidden
Naming what we dance with now
Claims our truth, reveals the hidden
Oh the emotions how
They whirl in, unbidden
Welcome, name, dance with, thank…
Then kindly,
The whirl may take her bow…
**“Ta Bron Orm” Irish words for the sad is ON me now, pointing us toward the temporality of emotions and how they don’t define us like the English words “I am sad” This poem inspired by learning this new to me Irish phrase from my dear friend & pilgrimage partner Jen Verharen, life coach with Cadence Coaching at
Photo by Phil Hutcherson with