After the all-of-it
Tucked into the fields
Dissolved into the pool
Exhaled into the air
Soaked into the skin
The Afterglow remains
In echos of the all of this day
To be fully alive here,
Eyes to the Sky
With gratitude for this
one more day…
Then to welcome sleep
The release—
As if the letting go of our days
Brightens the colors spilling
over into tomorrow
A tomorrow we may never see
As if forgiveness of the endings
Already sings in the afterglow
Acceptance of the all-of-it
The glory of this day
Always amplifying living with
the certainty of ending
Glowing on edges of goodbye
In echos of the all of this day
**Afterglow—the Background microwave radiation throughout the universe, hangs with the all of it, from the Big Bang, in echos of that day