How we evolve from
The forced reality of human dominance
The false dominion over the Earth
Will NOT be from Anthropocene’s wake
Of despair and desolation
How we evolve into
Living in harmony with all beings
The life-affirming reality of a shared Earth
Will be from Symbiocene’s promise
Of peace, abundance & creativity
When we nurture
Love & gratitude within Enough
Fear & resentment within scarcity
We will naturally paradigm shift into
The new yet ancient reality of Symbiocene
Either way we will evolve,
The choice is with how much suffering?
May we all look deeply inside for enough
May we all look widely outside
for all to be enough
May it not be the suffering to end all suffering,
May it be enough of us awakened to the enough
To shift consciousness to end suffering
Blessed be.
**Symbiocene (noun) a new geological era characterized by harmonious interactions between humans and all living things