Dear Tokitae
Oh Tokitae, dear orca sacred
Coming home to your sea family
Cool Salish waters prepared
To finally welcome thee
Last dear creature of your kind
To be freed from cruel captivity
No more shows for entertainment
No more glitzy tickets sold
At the expense of your life fulfillment
A once radical idea, made bold
To release all Orcas from enslavement
Oh dear Tokitae, did you know?
The human children here made art
To welcome you back home
Alas your whale body gave way
Before your journey could be made
May we remember you by name
May we expand on ideas bold!
With new fervor, Not in vain
Oh dear Tokitae, May you know
How many revered you—in behold
How our hope of hellos
became the grief of our goodbyes
From the skies of sea glow
May you see the Art story told
In your honor—May all hearts grow
Dear Tokitae of Salish Sea
May you rest now
in the salty sea of our collective tears
Knowing you are beloved
Blessed be.