House Calls

In a landscape before nowhere

In a time that never happened

There were house calls, warbling

Curling in around hearts&bodies

Entwining lives in vibrations of intimacy

Doorbells ringing gently by

The clinks of unlocked gates,

The arousal of sleeping dogs,

The voice of “hello, come on in!”

on the wide open porches of welcome

In a landscape of belonging

In a time of healing,

These house calls keep coming

Bringing gifts you cannot wrap

that are opening me into we

One life brought to the foot another life

As if I become a raised bed in the garden

Lifted up to meet, to tend in place

As much the gardener as the plant

As much the sun as the soil

As much the healer as the hope

As much the love as the beloved

In a landscape of a secret garden

In a time of dreams bestowed

The house calls keep arriving here now

In possibilities of a new~old way to live

To thrive deeper in community,

Within sacred intentional landscapes

Where the house calling vibrations—

The comings & goings are

like the bees to the flowers in synchrony

with Mother Earth’s way

of healing, being, living, loving

May this landscape be an open invitation

For entangling lives in vibrations of intimacy

May this be the time for a new way of homing on Mother Earth


Shark Bite?


No Rush