
An unwatched Spring—

Always blooms

Like waiting for tea in the garden

Not over the pot on stove of planted rows

In the other garden room,

Watching the curving of wrinkles

on the smile of elder

Unwatching the dry sticks of bush

regreening in their sleep

Watching the curious skyscape

in the eyes of dear friend

Unwatching the chilly drizzle

imperceptibly gaining warmth

Watching the resonant flush

on the cheeks of joyful child

Unwatching the buried bulbs shyly

reaching up only when no one is looking

Here taking time for tea in the other

garden room, with our rooted beloveds,

Watching the colors of heartmind change

with the renewal of Soul Spring

All that we need to bloom—

Always blooms with our presence

Even and especially in the wintertime of our lives


Sacred Math


A Stones Throw