One Day…

One mountain

Many paths to follow

One river

Many tributaries to hallow

One lake

Many ripples to wake

One, One, One…

One ocean

Many drops to swell

One sun

Many shadows to dwell

One moon

One, one, one…

Many cycles to whirl

One earth

Many dances to twirl

One, One, One…

One sky

Many breathes to take

One world

Many dreams to make

One, One, One…

One night

Many nests,

many beds to rest

One cosmos

Many divine sparks to bless

One, One, One…

One day…

May everyone remember we aren’t alone

One day…

May Loving Unity & Joy

for the sacred diversity

of Aliveness be known

One day…

May we play & dance our Oneness

One day…begins again everyday




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