presumption of Trust
Don’t change lanes on the bridge
The signs read as my youngest daughter
Drives on the freeway for the first time
I find myself reading signs, my thoughts
Out loud in a calm supportive voice
from the passenger seat, in a role reversal
A familiar state of presumed trust
Having taught three other teens to drive
A presumed trust
As if she has already arrived safely
On the otherside of the abyss
A presumed trust that
as new mother I had to bring forth
From somewhere
both deep within & far beyond me
Even after the death of my first child
There is no changing lanes in motherhood
Only the presumed trust,
that the arrival on the otherside
will be met somehow
one full breath at a time,
held, then released
There is no other way
but to keep breathing
Keep going
Keep loving
into the next moment
in faith that we are enough
Across the abyss of our lives
No other lane to raise a child to leap
Then with presumed trust that
they are enough, they WILL
make their own crossing
Even as I held my first
as she crossed over in death,
one full breath held,
then released—
I knew in faith
From somewhere
both deep within & far beyond me
she made it across the abyss
Somehow, miraculously I am too