With college diploma in my hand
Deep exhalations & radiant smiles
Congratulations!! from by-stand
For stones carried all the miles
What I would have preferred
On the cards, spoken with flair
If I could now choose a new word;
“Godspeed” prayed, sung into air
My achievements & my future goals
Traps in revolving ego-door on road
When Life is a journey of the Soul
A winding way of sacred thresholds
In time travel visit to my younger me
Just commencing adult pathway
I’ll whisper to HER, “Godspeed”
Protection & prosperity, everyday—
You are enough just in your barefeet
You are loved when your heartbreaks
You are safe walking with uncertainty
Life itself IS prosperity, & will not forsake
Congratulatory living isn’t quite right
Not something we achieve, only
Awareness that for our precious flight
The Altimeter is set at “Godspeed”