
With college diploma in my hand

Deep exhalations & radiant smiles

Congratulations!! from by-stand

For stones carried all the miles

What I would have preferred

On the cards, spoken with flair

If I could now choose a new word;

“Godspeed” prayed, sung into air

My achievements & my future goals

Traps in revolving ego-door on road

When Life is a journey of the Soul

A winding way of sacred thresholds

In time travel visit to my younger me

Just commencing adult pathway

I’ll whisper to HER, “Godspeed”

Protection & prosperity, everyday—

You are enough just in your barefeet

You are loved when your heartbreaks

You are safe walking with uncertainty

Life itself IS prosperity, & will not forsake

Congratulatory living isn’t quite right

Not something we achieve, only

Awareness that for our precious flight

The Altimeter is set at “Godspeed”


My Father’s Tesseract


The Secret Garden