Longing for Leo
There is longing
In the Leaving of Leo
His departure unannounced
Without returning
His silence now sits—
At the foot of the door
On the hair dusted cushion
On kitchen tile under his empty dish
With a Waiting in the weeping
His habits uninhabited
Create a longing to lean
Lean into the spaces
He shared and shaped
In the constellation of his family’s
Hearts and habits
There is longing
In the leaving of Leo
His lean out into the world
Of curiosity & adventure
As if his life depended on it
& yet returning every evening
To the crooks of arms,
curlings of tiny fingers
Through his gorgeous fluff
Except on this one night—
he doesn’t return
The fierceness & the fragility
Of Leo’s life, mirrors all of our Lives
To lean out and learn, to reach
To curl in and collect, to retreat
On repeat, as if our lives depend on it
Until one day unannounced, we don’t
There is longing
In the leaving of Leo
Loved dearly within
The constellation of his family’s
hearts and habits
Belonging dearly within
The constellation of the Universe
There is longing
In the leaving of Leo
As if our lives depend on it
The sharing and the shaping
The reaching and the retreating
The inhale, and the exhale of loving
Within the sacred diversity of Aliveness
Blessings upon Leo who is loved