The Waves

The Waves🌊**

Formations of Waves

With no beginning, no end

Seen & unseen, unfurling

Undulating, warp & wend

Formations of cold, pressure

Whisps of wind from behind

Painted by water, weather

Storming loops of mind

Swirls of heart, unmeasured

Waves weave, thrust, cleanse

Topple, blend, circulate

Waves may overwhelm.

Rush, swell, penetrate

Formations of sound, light

Whispers of calm from behind

Painted by delight, grief

Delta, Theta waves of mind

Whirls of heart, sung belief

Snowdrifts, sand dunes

Contractions of birth

Waves push, pull, consume

Sweep, balloon, burst

Waves may influence.

Roll, release, dissipate

Arrival of tsunami from distant lands

Amplify of butterfly wings, unknowable

Formations of Waves, infinite ♾️

With no beginning, no end

Spiraling through fields of time

As Life force energy pulses—

Underneath, from behind

With no beginning, no end


Our influence is unknowable, yet infinite

May it be for more Love, Light, Peace🌅

** to view my piece entitled the same about child loss/waves of grief written many years ago…please visit




Happy Sixty-Five!