(New Year collective prayer)
As time comes FORWARD from behind
May we DANCE the SWELLS of life
And know that we are resilient with LOVE
As LOVE moves through us
in a squeeze & RELEASE
May our ACCEPTANCE of the all-of-it
Carry HOPE with all of our sensations
As we sense the CREATIVE unfolding
of our collective Aliveness
May our JOY SHED what no longer serves
and amplify our authentic EMERGENCE
in a new earth of loving UNITY
and sacred diversity of aliveness
As the collective FAITH sources all
compassionate action
from the STILL of our hearts
May we be GENTLE and kind
with all we encounter, especially with ourselves
rising each day to begin again
May HOMING be our guide
To listen for LOVE,
To act with love,
To receive love,
To truly know we are only LOVE
Until our hearts become a HOME
A home for ALL-that-isβ
Wherever we may walk on this earth
dissolving the illusion of separation
May it be so.
**Thank you to all who organically shared your word of the year with me.
Here is my collective prayer from all the words shared with me.