525-6893 (dialed in)

My pointer finger twitches

from a tingling, an itching

somewhere in my spine,

to press the square buttons

embossed with numbers


hammocked by letters underneath

like a old type writer

as if I could touch the same tiles

casting a secret code

Transmittable only to my beloved dead

Typing out my thoughts & feelings

Line by line

Number by number

In sacred math

In mystic poetry as prayer

On the tips of my fingerprint

Using only the digits of

my childhood phone number


To hear the ringing rolling through

The silence of forever

And then as if revealing

a cryptic message,

as if my twitching fingers could

magically read braille in the tingling

I can hear back with my fingerprint—

A click of connection

A voice of Aliveness

A mirror of wonder

A whirl of embodiment

And I am enveloped once again

in the swirling arms of a long distance

phone call to my parents


As if by pressing into the familiar

Numbers worn down

like ancient cobblestone,

builds me stonebridge

Outside of time where

I walk with my beloved dead

standing there at the center

hovering over the surging river of life

Suspended together

in generational connections

connections that thread through

All those before

and all those yet to come


My pointer finger twitches

from a tingling, an itching

somewhere in my spine,

And I remember…

I am always connected

In that mystic code looping through time

Like the spiraled phone cord

of yesterday

That my vanishing fingerprints

will one day receive the call

from my alive beloveds after I die,

a click of connection

in the tingle in my spine

I am Alive to LOVE,

forever connected—

Dialed in to LOVE


Looking for Wonder


Morning Chant