Morning Chant

Morning Chant—

A breakfast like no other

Stirring love into our cupped song,

To drink in the offered light

Consuming prayerful words

To nourish our divine delight

Same space opens early, in beats

Different souls shuffling seats

Same circle of devoted voices, tweak

Different days of each& every week

To greet the morning with breath & prayer

To open hearts to more,

unseen beyond air

To clear the mind for ONE consciousness

To welcome, Praise!

miracles of Aliveness

Same space inside lungs, bones, mind

Different sensations shuffling in me

Same circle of seasons rounding time

Different voices healing in harmony

To greet the early, with hopeful await

To open doors to the Mystery,

singing in vibration

To clear the pathway for peace of today

To welcome, Praise!

possibilities now within

Morning Chant—

A breakfast like no other

Preparing peace for our bodies

To feed the Trust living at our core

Surrendering to the feast of Grace

unfolding within all we are,

With bellies knowing we are enough—

May we LOVE even more


525-6893 (dialed in)

