The impulse to be ALIVE
In this box of matter
Created from before time itself
Pulsing here now in beats, In repeats
as if there is no purpose
Yet to throb & pound on the ground
from whence we came, upswelling
Indwelling great Mystery of spirit
In vibrations of belonging
to ALL- that-is
Squeeze-release heartbeat
In singularity of burst, put forth
thrusted out from the whole
Yet belonging to ONE
like a note belongs to a song,
individual yet not separate
A surge to be ALIVE in this shape of
bones & flesh formed on the dreams
Of another pulsation, the great Mother
Who’s cadence crosses space continuum
Thumping and pumping
the life force energy
The pulsations to be ALIVE at this time
Drumming beats—
In echos of both past and future
What greater purpose to be ALIVE
at this time, in this place
Here now, spurting, metering, flowing
rhythms of an ever evolving orchestra
Heard uniquely in each of our hearts
Danced joyfully in taps of our bare-feet
Played universally through all of time
Oh to be ALIVE, again today
For this one more day, we pray