Bowl of Wax**

Melted or tightly woven

Our threads through time

Strewn or meticulously sewn

Lives created with nature entwined

Cupping here, with humble hands

delighted in devotion, victorious!

Yet circumspect—questioning

The unraveling in our precarious!

Waxing & waning, bowls of moon

building up & tearing down,

riverbanks of monsoon

Cupping here, with cosmic sound

All of which we thread with

hopeful intention

All of which that melts, pours out,

with life’s dissolution

What’s blooming

on another path, untaken?

While storming here,

under lightening, shaken?

Luminous either way…

Nature makes exquisite display

Every part, detail, every which way

Cupping here, delighted in devotion

Our Wholeness in this Bowl of wax—

All Life threads, unbroken

**idiom whole Ball of wax—everything, the entire affair, including all the details, parts, purpose. (may refer to a 17th-century English legal practice whereby land was divided among heirs by covering scraps of paper representing portions of land with wax, rolling each into a ball, and drawing the balls from a hat.)

*Sculpture “luminary, nest, bowl” by Jennifer Jade Wilhoit


“You Matter.”

