Dying Into
What inside the Life
Pulsing waters in you,
Breathing airs in you
Burning fires in you
What inside the Life
Growing, yearning,
Reaching, wandering
Out of the earth within you
What inside the Life
Running through you
Running through ALL-that-is
Are you dying into?
As every drop of water
returned back to sea
As every 38 trillion cells of you,
replaced anew
As every molecule of oxygen
exchanged with trees
As every ATP energy
burned, consumed
As parts of the body die
cell by cell,
drop by drop
into sustainer of Life
What renewal of spirit
living uniquely inside
Your gorgeous sacred vessel
Are you dying into, rebirthing?
with each step, each breath
Prayer by prayer
Presence by presence…
Dying into the Wholeness
The Unity of LIFE cycles
What in the greatness of you
Are you willing to die into?
To become the awareness
Of the Greatness that sustains🌀
Sustains you & All of Life
May Springs resurrection from Winter
Deepen your trust into
the dying parts of you,
Bringing your resurgence of Spirit
May you sense the resurrection within
And give gratitude to the gifts of Winter