Year of Hummingbird
To hover, Stop time
Behold the beauty
in perseverance,
Drinking life’s sweetness
Flights of pivots, spirals, loops
All directions, endless possibilities
Yet suspended, alight
With Joy and energy,
Stunned by Nature’s delight
Humming, thrumming, becoming
Vibrations of intimacy
Unconditional love bestowed
In freedom of flow
While Hummingbirding—
I am coloring Creativity
within Life’s persistent change
May I stop time with presence
May I share nectar with all
May I energize joy in the dance
May I sing vibrations for a new earth
And In a world of infinite possibilities—
May I be only what I came here to be
**inspired by choosing a spirit animal for the year by the first non-human being to observe in 2025