Permeations of Impermanence

Pouring in, Autumn becomes

Effusing the landscape in Joy

As if the Fall colors bursting

Forth from limbs above, coming out

Out of the palettes of Summer

Out of the wild green’s enthusiasm

In a gratitude response to Aliveness

As if burnt siennas, crimsons, golds

Sing out loud their reverent awareness

To the coming bone grays of Winter

To their diffusing of existence

Pouring up, Autumn saturates

Suffusing the landscape in Joy

As if the Fall colors bursting

Forth from below, coming up

Up from the palettes of Summer

Up from Wild brown’s of harvest ground

As if mustards, pumpkins, tomato reds

Praise up to Sky their thankfulness

For the abundance bestowed

For the transfusing in the ephemerality

Pouring in, pouring up, pouring out

Autumn becomes, infusing with

Her Spectacular colors of Life’s impermanence

Effusing from above,

Suffusing from below

Her permeation of Joy for Aliveness

As if to ensure a transfusion

A transfusion of gratitude throughout our hearts

To carry us forth through Winter

To keep the eco~imprinting

of fiery colors burning within

While the diffusing landscape,

The hushing into all the shades of silence

Comes for everyone,

May our singing, our praising, our gratitude

For the Joy of being Alive

continue as the bright flame

Effusing radiance from within



