The Komorebi Tree
Noticing the exquisite
Pleasure of light play—
A nature dance inviting
a swirl, twirl of spirit
Under this ancient apple tree
Her energy moves as much
in her branches
As shadows casted
underneath my feet
Her energy now seen
Like the whirl of my skirt
In my dance evoked beneath
this Komorebi** tree, as if we
Make our own music together
In natural time,
High notes of light & flat notes of dark
Harmonizing, chords of connection
Sung with our bodies in rounds,
unknown who began
Or who will end, yet always
An open invitation to come down
To the greenery that holds her roots
To lay upon the half of her unseen
To gaze upon the other half of her seen
To dance my body into stillness
As the beauty and wonder,
Unseen in me, play out their feelings—
Seen here upon my chest of dappling light
Casted through her leaves from above
This Komorebi tree invites me to dance
with All-that-Is seen and unseen
Blessed be
**Komorebi 木漏れ日 (pronounced kō-mō-reh-bē)
Literally, “sunlight leaking through trees,”
the space between the canopy and branches allows sunlight to gently filter through. In Japan, the dappled light this creates is called komorebi (pronounced koh-mo-reh-bee) and is made up of the kanji characters for tree (木), shine through (漏れ), and sun (日).