Dragonfly rests on my skin
His vibration holding him still
to be with me,
Holding him at his center
after my nature dance
holding me at mine
Squatting down in my universal chair
Barefeet squished into earth
Coming into stillness
My skin still resonating~from my center
My breath, My spaciousness
I sense invited him in
My breath, my spaciousness
My holding of center
I sense keeps me with him
To be present with him
On this danced upon earth
Barefeet squished to earth
Like this dragonfly squished upon my skin
My Earthdance vibration
Drawing up this earthworm
To be with me,
Once squished under the earth
His double heart center
Opens to spaciousness
Reminding us, dragonfly and me
In presence of each other
We are all Set free