The Shake

My dog knows to shake

Shake himself awake

Shake with the vibrations

of change in states

Shaking in the Changing

Frees the Energy to play

In Play, I shake my body

Vibrating across my chest

Crescendos go down

One leg, then the other

Waves up my arms into sky

Letting swoops come through me

Then an organic hanging—holds me

Like a universal baby sling

Flushing me with indwelling safety

Safety in the change of states

A rattling of wrists,

Flicks of fingertips

Sending Energy back into earth

Hands to prayer, body centered

Swirling of hips, I shake my tail

Shaking in the changing

Freeing the Energy to play

I release what does not serve

The evolution of me

My dog knows to shake

With no resistance in his changing

I keep on practicing

Blessed be the healing shake




The Wobbly Middle